Looking at a map with the last 30 days worth of earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.5+ kind of surprised me. There are no listed earthquakes in my local area (as shown in the picture). I know that this area is really active, just all the activity is really low magnitude. I would have thought that there would have been maybe one or two dots in the area to resemble an earthquake bigger than 2.5 but the closest bundle of dots were in Idaho, just north of Logan, UT.
This bundle of earthquakes, as indicated by the colored circles in the top right corner of the picture below, runs along the Wasatch Mountians — the same mountain range that runs nearby Salt Lake City. These earthquakes were plenty small enough and far enough away that we could not feel its affects from my area. This knowledge makes me feel safe. Granted, these maps only show the past 30 days, but Utah isn’t really known to have many large earthquakes.